What’s New?
Nov. 13th, '11: Mr. Sugiyama chairs an AIA Conference in Tokyo
The 2011 AIA Northwest & Pacific Region Conference opened on Nov. 13th, chaired by Mr. Sugiyama, Principal, who is President of AIA Japan Chapter for 2011. Approximately 150 architects gather from AIA chapters in Hong Kong, Guam, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, and other parts of the US, to explore the theme of "Crafting the Future".
Nov. 7th, '11: The new website opens for Quincy Studio
In order to strengthen the net presence, Quincy Studio has been preparing to launch a new website with Mr. Daniel Abbe, and the English pages opened this week. The pages in Japanese will be launched by the end of the year.
Oct. 12th, '11: Mr. Sugiyama gives an overview for Chichibu Possibilities
At the fourth Machizukuri Committee meeting of 2011 for Japan Foundation for Regional Vitalization, Mr. Sugiyama presented the progress of the machizukuri related work we are working on in conjunction with Ms. Saigo of Sheep Network.